C'est seulement au retour de mes vacances que je me suis rendu compte des derniers évènement survenu en Haïti. Je ne savais pas à qui donner, hors contexte chrétien ça devient difficile pour moi de choisir !
J'ai visité le site internet des Hanson (comme chaque semaine) et ils m'ont fait découvrir un site humanitaire d'un copain à eux. Cette organisation s'appelle "Free The Children", le copain en question n'a que 26ans et fait des choses formidable dans le monde pour aider les enfants dans le besoin et là en aucurence les Haïtiens ! Donnez c'est simple et facile (en $ US ou $CA). Le site est également traduit en francais et ce fameux copain Craig parle courement le francais !
Jan 19, 2010
Action for Haiti
I am sure many if not all of you are aware of the unspeakable tragedy in Haiti right now following the 7.0 Earthquake. Numbers like 200,000 lives lost are being announced and millions are displaced, I am embarrassed that we have been this slow to post a call to action already. This is a moment to respond. The group we know will put your donations to good work are our partners at Free The Children, who are on the ground now working to change the course of this Tragedy. You can donate on their site linked below - http://www.freethechildren.com/donate/haiti-earthquake-relief-fund/
Free The Children was founded and is driven by our friend Craig Keilburger who is 26 years old. FTC is a powerful organization who help create long term changes in areas of the world overcome by extreme poverty and Disease. Earlier this week Craig touched base to thank me (and the many of You!!) who have helped raise money for Free The Childrens work in Kenya to build three new schools. In this case the backdrop was of the tragedy in Haiti. Craig is on the ground now with his team working tirelessly. Anything each of us can do will help immensely.
Thank You -Taylor (Isaac and Zac)
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