The American Cherokee Indians worship the Supreme Being, Ye ho waah or Yo ho wah, which is very similar to the Hebrew name of God (Yahweh or Yahoveh).
The Cherokee Indians believe in one Supreme Being--the Creator-- and have surprising connections to Christianity.
Ancient Cherokee Indians believed before 1750 that God was going to appear on Earth as a man and they called this person by five different Old Testament (Hebrew) names for Jesus.
The Cherokees have three actual cities of refuge, they have the stories of the great flood, and many other Old Testament stories.
They also adhere to the prohibitions found within the Ten Commandments.
Cherokees keep one day without work for prayer.
The name for Cherokee People is “A ni yun wi yah”, which in English means “The Principle People” or akin to “The People of God.” The devotion of the Cherokee people was to the Supreme Holy Spirit who could not be looked upon and whose energy was the fire of all creation and the fire of all life and who resided in the heavens and on earth through purified people. They were rigidly non idolaters and neither would they observe any religious images among them or keep idolatrous religious ceremonies. Instead the Cherokee people adored the one Great Spirit, God, who they described as “the only Giver and Taker of life.” They were devoted to a higher principled way of living according to their ancient religious beliefs of the one benevolent God.
The Cherokees believed this sole Author of creation was with them and they with God by His blessing of mankind with animals and all plant and vegetable life. Their religious worship very closely paralleled the Mosiac institution in the Old Testament of the Bible. They were not pagans and were warned each year by their priests, just as the Old Testament warned about “...giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:1,2).
When we look as far back as the 1600s, there still existed one minority sect of the Cherokee people who declared there existed three entities above, who were always joined together in action and spirit, and were of the same mind. It was said that these three entities were always one in sentiment, in thought and action. They created all things and governed all things. The three entities sat on white seats above and all prayers were to be directed toward them. They had helpers and messengers known as angels who came to earth to help attend to the affairs of men. The Cherokees believed that in the beginning this trinity of entities created all creatures and creation to be harmless, as in Eden
The Cherokee people were obedient to Ye ho waah (Jehovah God) and assembled for worship at the structures they were commanded to erect. They met early in the morning. When the people were all seated and silent, the priest known as U ku wi a hi (Uku), would commence his speech. The Uku would command the Cherokees to obey Ye ho waah in every respect, telling people they must do all that He directed them to do and to never disobey Him secretly because they were never alone because Ye ho waah was with them. They were never to indulge in idle or vain conversation, or call anyone wicked names. They were to abstain from all lewdness and polygamy. Children were to be hardworking and obedient to their parents
This and many more fascinating facts about the history of the Cherokee people can be found at this link. http://www.cherokeediscovery.com/religion.html
RépondreSupprimerPraise Yahweh! this article confirms what yahwehsnewkingdom has been saying all along.
RépondreSupprimerO'siyo. Praise yahewa. Wado Merci en Cherokee. Gegagv end Jesus Christ.
SupprimerCherokee fox don't look.com. Merci bocu.��
Pardon me French.
SupprimerBelieve Jesus Christ is your savior for your sins. Jesus Christ is God Almighty in the Flesh. This is the Gospel, believe Jesus Christ shed his precious blood and died for you and all of your sins on the cross, he was buried and he rose again from the dead three days later from God's Power and you will be saved, you are a Born Again Christian and you will go to Heaven forever. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God to where we all deserve death, destruction and judgement in the Lake of Fire from the wrath of God to where we need a savior to save us for our sins forever. By receiving Jesus Christ's blood sacrifice as full payment for your sins you will be saved forever. It matters not how much you have sinned in the past, in the present and in the future for yourself to be saved. Once you are saved you are saved forever no matter what. Good works will not ever save you and no one and nothing else will. That is the Gospel and if you believe in the Gospel you are now a Born Again Christian and you are now saved and you will go to Heaven forever and that is the whole truth. Spread the truth. If we do good works for God as he commands, we will please God and he will give us rewards to have in Heaven forever! All glory goes to God forever! Praise God! Amen! (John Ch. 3:16, Romans Ch. 3:25, 4:1-6, 5:9, 1 Corinthians Ch. 15:1-4, Ephesians Ch. 2:8-9) The Authorized King James Version Bible.
RépondreSupprimerbeautiful, but if one does fall away, from loving and being obedient, then they can lose their "being saved", for then they have fallen prey to the advesary. No where in the scriptures does it say: once saved, always saved. Shalom~
SupprimerYHVH,YaHoVaH,Ya Ho Waa,father of Yeshua,pagan name Jesus, is salvation by following The Way añd pleasing Yah with faithful works. . . no magic here,simple miracles of love.
SupprimerTrue, we are to repent daily as we wash our robes, always ready for our savior to call us. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
SupprimerThe truth requires a relinquishing of the soap left on the brain from a book created and kept by a wicked empire ruling since the time of Christ. I believe it contains some truth still, some. How do you know he died in Jerusalem? Only the book says and the empire teachings. Read Eastern philosophy of who was Christ and where he went after his crucifixion in Israel. It's everywhere, you won't be looking long. Resurrection is an astrological babylonian teaching. Once you accept that, you will be closer to the Christ.
SupprimerI agree as an Israelite you make more sense.
SupprimerI'm 67 these days and I'm of mixed ancestry as are many Americans, but know of their past and those that came before them. I have always been taught of where our ancestors were from. Yes, some were Cherokees. I had a dream to where I was carried back to Oklahoma and saw my great Grandmother sitting on her front porch. The dream started out with me walking along aq prairie road , with seas of grass on either side stretching to the the horizon. I had both of my sons with me. I was carrying the younger one, and the older one was hanging onto my belt. The older one was stumbling like he was sleep walking, and the younger in my arms was sound asleep. I begged the older on to hold on to my belt, or he would be lost forever. We walked all day under a hot blue sky and all night. I could see the sun starting to come up and I came to a small ranch house. There was an old woman sitting on the front porch and without saying or being told I knew who it was. She asked me to sit on the porch, rest a while and put my boys down as they were still sleeping. I was very thirsty and she gave me a drink of water which brought me back. she said I was allowed to see what once was because of the love I had for my family. She said she knew my sons were giving me trouble at the time, but love them and be kind to them no matter what and with those words the dream faded away. She also said I would have to take care of them the rest of their lives. When their antics get me down, I remember what was said to me. It's still hard some times, but I remember what she told me. I also believe in the God of our fathers. I'm LDS and have a testimony of the goodness and mercy of Jesus Christ.
SupprimerSteven King or the Matrix
SupprimerI thought Jesus was the Word of God in Flesh
SupprimerThank you for this info
RépondreSupprimerCherokees keep one day without work for prayer.
Thank you for this info
RépondreSupprimerCherokees keep one day without work for prayer.
Citation Needed.
RépondreSupprimerThis is not true!
RépondreSupprimerThis is not true!
RépondreSupprimerTsalagi word for the creator is Unetlanvhi (oo-nay-tla-nuh-hee).
RépondreSupprimerP.S. My Great Grand mother was Cherokee.
RépondreSupprimerThe Apostles did indeed travel great distances from Jerusalem. Who is to say that one of the ones that were persecuted in the early Church era during the Roman Empire didn't travel and wind up across the Atlantic? We know for certain that Columbus was not even close to being first of the Europeans to discover the Americas.
RépondreSupprimerI have always just had this feeling that our people always knew God and that it wasn't introduced to them by the settlers.
RépondreSupprimerTᎭnk ᏲᎤ fᎣr ᏲᎤr tᎰᎤghtᏍ Ꭳn ᎣᎤr ᎠncᎢᎡnt CᎮrᎣkᎡᎡ rᎡᎵᎩᎣn.
RépondreSupprimerThe above was written in Cherokee syllabary on my virtual keyboard. I learned the syllabary from my Grandfather on the Cherokee Nation in the 50s. Comment un Français a-t-il tant appris sur le peuple de Dieu?
http://www.cherokeediscovery.com/religion.html Cette URL donne une erreur 404 - Page non trouvée. A-t-il bougé?
RépondreSupprimerThis is garbage. Why do people try to do this to my tribe. I am cherokee we do not believe in the Christian God we believe in the Creator the Great Spirit, and while yes it does have similarities to abrahamic beliefs we have beliefs that disagree entirely with abrahamic religion like the existence of the 2 spirit people. Our name for God isnt Yahuah that name was forced on us by white Christian european settlers in a attempt to destroy our religion while in the mean time proping theirs up to make it seem like they got here and people where magically already worshiping their god which is lies. We have no word for angels besides the one given to us by the puritan settlers. Our name for God is Unetlanvhi again its Unetlanvhi not fucking Yahuah that is an insult to my tribe and a slap in the face and an blatant attempt to try to errase my heritage. Let me take a wild guess who ever wrote this is a Mormon and is trying to say my tribe is the book of Mormon people. Im so sick of these kinds of lies. Stop trying to force your beliefs and your heritage into the story of my ancestors and GET A LIKE. PRAISE Unetlanvhi AND SCREW your foreighn god.